According to the cow-urine prasin sanskuti

  • Cow urine is as important as cow’s milk. Here let us tell you about the amazing benefits of consuming cow urine on an empty stomach every morning. Very few of us know how important this cow urine is for health and what are its benefits.
  • Cow has been called mother in Hinduism since ancient times. Cow’s milk, cow’s ghee, cow’s dung etc keep our body healthy. Not only that but cow urine is also equally beneficial for our health. Cow urine makes us disease free. There are many types of cows in our country.
  • So every type of cow is beneficial for us, but if you have a native cow, then understand that you have something precious. Which can never be put a price on. Amato desi cow gives very little milk, but because of that, her urine has a lot of medicinal properties.
  • You may be aware of the benefits of cow’s milk, but may be unaware of the amazing benefits of cow urine. Cow urine has been used as a medicine since ancient times. First of all, people should know when and how to consume cow urine. First of all let us tell you that a woman who is ever pregnant should not drink cow urine.
  • Apart from this, a healthy person should consume 45 grams and a sick person should consume 100 grams of cow urine. Do not consume more than that. If consumed in excess, the body may be harmed.
  • Cow’s urine should always be taken in a glass or earthen vessel and then strained thrice with clean cloth and then one-fourth of a cup of cow’s urine should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Now let’s see its benefits.
  • Cow urine is antiseptic and contains many important elements like nitrogen, copper, phosphate, potassium and uric acid. Which helps to keep our body healthy by removing many diseases. Regular consumption of cow urine increases immunity and purifies the blood. It makes both brain and heart powerful.
  • Cancer is caused by deficiency of a substance called curcumin. But it is well present in cow urine. So it helps in curing throat, stomach and esophagus cancer. Cow urine is also beneficial for TB patient. If a person has TB, it is eliminated in nine months by Doge. While it can be removed in three to six months with regular consumption of cow urine.
  • Due to deficiency of sulfur element in our body, we get different skin related diseases. Any skin disease can be cured if cow urine is consumed regularly. Apart from this, the problem of anemia can be removed by consuming triphala and cow urine together.
  • Besides, only one cow urine is enough to control all three Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Consuming cow urine on an empty stomach regularly can solve all three problems of vata pitta and kapha.
  • The biggest benefit of cow urine is that it dissolves excess body fat. And also helps in making us slim and beautiful. For that take four to five tampas of cow urine. Add two spoons of honey and one spoon of lemon juice to it and mix it and consume it regularly in the morning on an empty stomach. It reduces belly and also reduces body fat and you can become beautiful and slim
  • The sages in the scriptures have described the infinite glory of cows. Cow’s milk curd, butter, ghee, buttermilk, and urine can cure many diseases. It is not wrong to say that cow urine is a great medicine. It contains nutrients like potassium, magnesium, chloride, phosphate, ammonia, carotene salts etc. So it is considered as a great medicine.
  • Medicines are also made using cow urine in Ayurveda. The taste of cow urine from cows is hot, acrid and salty. Cow urine is a detoxifying, fast-digesting fluid full of energy. There are a total of 148 diseases of Vata, Kapha and Pitta. If any one thing has the ability to cure all these diseases, it is only cow urine of native cow. Cow urine is proven to be most effective in balancing Vata, Kapha and Pitta.
  • Not only this, but major diseases can also be cured by using cow urine. As diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, TB, AIDS, migraine etc. can be cured.
  • Distillation of cow urine called cow urine extract lasts longer than cow urine. The benefits of Gomutra arc include its use in weight loss, skin diseases and stomach disorders. It is very popular because it does not smell bad like cow urine. Some people who cannot drink cow urine can easily consume cow urine extract. Cow urine extract is also known as cow urine distillate.
  • As it reduces phlegm, it also lowers blood cholesterol levels and helps in weight loss. Gomutra extract has antipruritic action. Therefore, it can help relieve itching in kapha related skin diseases. It is also useful in worm infestation.
  • Benefits of Cow Urine:
  • Beneficial for stomach problems:
  • People suffering from gas problems should mix half a cup of cow’s urine with a little salt and lemon juice and consume it early in the morning. It removes old gas or disease. Apart from this, consumption of cow urine also helps in reducing the bloated stomach.
  • The use of cow urine is beneficial in acidity, severe acidity, ulcers, constipation and upset stomach, along with drinking cow urine and water in equal proportions for bilious patients is also very beneficial.
  • Also beneficial for throat cancer:
  • For throat cancer, mixing 100 ml of cow urine and cow dung equal to a betel nut in a clean vessel and straining it with a cloth, consuming it on an empty stomach every morning after getting rid of daily activities is beneficial. Do this experiment continuously for six months.
  • Increases immunity:
  • Drinking cow urine regularly increases the immunity of the body. And drinking it keeps diseases away. Hence diseases cannot enter the body.
  • Relief from skin problems:
  • For skin diseases, grinding cumin seeds and mixing them with cow urine and applying this paste on skin diseases is beneficial.
  • Useful in removing dark circles under eyes:
  • If you have black spots under your eyes, apply only cow urine under your eyes every morning. It will remove the dark circles. If cow urine is not available, its extract can also be used.
  • Relief from fever:
  • Cow urine is also beneficial in fever and if a person is suffering from a serious and chronic illness then he must stop drinking cow urine for at least 3 months. While drinking cow’s urine for 2 weeks or 1 month for minor ailments gives a lot of relief to the sufferer.
  • For effective treatment of many ailments:
  • Drinking half a cup of cow urine one hour before morning meal is beneficial in diseases like piles, rheumatism, joint pain, cancer. It helps in treating diseases like cold, asthma and TB. Cow urine works to destroy the germs in the body. According to Ayurveda, bacterial diseases can be cured by drinking cow urine.
  • Eradication of TB:
  • If a TB patient starts drinking cow urine along with DOTS medicine, its effectiveness increases 20 times. Just by drinking cow urine, TB disease can be cured in 3 to 6 months. While taking drugs of DOTS and cow urine can cure TB in just 2-3 months.
  • Beneficial in eye diseases:
  • Drinking cow urine is beneficial in serious diseases like cataract, glaucoma and retinal detachment along with red eyes, watery eyes and eye irritation. Also drinking cow urine can also remove the number of eye glasses.
  • Beneficial in urinary and kidney diseases:
  • Cow urine is considered effective in getting rid of all kidney diseases like kidney failure and other kidney problems. To get rid of these problems one should drink half a cup of cow urine in the morning.
  • Consider the following points about cow urine:
  • Do not drink cow urine from old, sick or pregnant cows. Cow urine should be taken in a glass or earthen pot and filtered with a clean cloth and consumed only after that. Children under 8 years of age and pregnant women must consult a doctor before consuming.
  • Always consume cow urine from native cows. Do not consume the urine of sick or pregnant cows. The urine of cows grazing in the forest is considered the best. 2 to 7 days old cow urine is better for massage. The amount of cow urine depends on the season. Its nature is hot. So the quantity of cow urine should be kept low in hot season.
  • Scientific importance of cow urine
  • Cow urine contains copper which is converted into gold in the human body. Gold has the power to kill all diseases. Gold is a destroyer of all kinds. Apart from copper, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other minerals, carbonic acid, potash, and lactose are found in cow urine.
  • Cow urine contains 24 types of elements due to which various types of medicines made from cow urine are useful for the prevention of many diseases.
  • Cow urine being a disinfectant, purifies the atmosphere and increases the fertility of the soil.
  • Cow urine is very beneficial for youth.
  • By using cow urine, youth can get rid of many problems including weakness, lethargy, laziness, headache, weak memory.
  • Cow urine has also been found to be more useful and beneficial in major diseases like cancer, high blood pressure, and asthma.